Monday, December 30, 2013

happy-early-new year!

it's been 1 month since my last post
2013 is almost oveeerr and i learned few things such as:

 1. don't believe people or you'll get disappointed

 2. people come and go so easily
 3. you're surrounded by hypocritical friends ew
 4. boys are jerks
 5. judgemental bitches everywhere
 6. don't care too much bc you'll get hurt too much
 7. WATCH YOUR WORDS ON SOCIAL MEDIA or some bitch will satirize u HAHA
 8. DON'T EAT NOODLE or you'll die young or get appendix
etc etc etc etc etc etc etc

2013 was a good year with many memories and i'm gonna throwback a little

january: yearbook photoshoot with 9Bulan10hari at The Phoenix

february: last run with Laforza Degalavi!
march: studied till my head exploded
may: Laforza Degalavi's farewell party yaaaayyy!
june: Laforza Degalavi's graduation party:(
july: hello highschool:)
august: hello 17 august...............:)
september: bazkom 2013!
october: pelantikan mbrass'28
november: nothing special this month i guess
december: my first marching band's job! and i almost died when justin tweeted he's officially retiring

2014 wish:

hope all my wishes come true
............but this world isn't a wish-granting factory.

Happy Early New Year! 
2014, be awesome please

Monday, October 14, 2013

it's been a while since i'm not posting any posts
i have so many untold story that i would like to post but that will take a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time
so now i'm gonna post another random thing that i've found on tumblr 
here you go! xx

Bold what’s true about you
I am under 18. 
I am a cuddler. (i think i only enjoy cuddle my bf lol)
I am a morning person. 
I am an only child.
I am currently in my pajamas.
I am currently pregnant.
I am left handed.
l am right handed.
I am ambidextrous.
I am a little shy around the opposite sex.
I bite my nails.
I can be paranoid at times.
I enjoy folk music.
I enjoy smoothies.
I enjoy talking on the phone.
I have a car.
I have/had a hard time paying attention at school.
I have a hidden talent.
I have a pet.
I have a tendency to fall for the “wrong” guy/girl.
I have all my grandparents.
I have been to another country.
I have been told that I have an unusual sense of humor.
I have or had broken a bone.
I have caller I.D. on my phone.
I have bathed someone.
I have changed a diaper.
I have changed a lot over the past year.
I have friends who have never seen my natural hair color.
I have had major/minor surgery.
I have killed another person.
I have had my hair cut within the last week.
I have mood swings.
I have no idea what I want to do for the rest of my life.
I have rejected someone before.
I like the taste of blood. 
I love Michael Jackson.
I love sleeping. (CERTAINLY.)
I love to shop. (i mean, who doesn't?)
I own 100 CDs or more.
I own and use a library card.
I read books for pleasure in my spare time.
I sleep a lot during the day.
I watch soap operas on a regular basis.
I work at a job that I enjoy.
I would get plastic surgery if it were 100% safe, free of cost, and scar-free.
I am wearing socks.
I am tired. (like, all the time)
I love to paint/draw/sketch/sculpt.
I consume at least one alcoholic drink every month.
I have/had:
Finished college.
Smoked cigarettes.
Ridden every ride at an amusement park.
Collected something really stupid.
Gone to a concert.
Helped someone.
Spun turn tables.
Watched four movies in one night.
Been broken up with.Taken a college level course.
Been in a car accident.
Been in a tornado.
Watched someone die.
Been to a funeral.
Burned yourself.
Ran a marathon.
Your parents got divorced. 
Cried yourself to sleep. 
Spent over $200 in one day.
Cheated on someone. 
Been cheated on.
Written a 10 page letter.
Had a best friend.
Lost someone you loved.
Skipped school.
Gotten in trouble for something you didn’t do.
Stolen books from the library. 
Been in a mental hospital.
Watched the “Harry Potter” movies. (in one night)
Fired a gun.
Been in a school play.
Been fired from a job.
Taken a lie detector test.
Swam with dolphins.
Attempted suicide.
Written poetry.
Read more than 20 books a year.
Gone to Europe.
Loved someone you couldn’t have. (OMG YES I DO IT EVERYTIME)
Used a coloring book over age 12.
Had surgery.
Had stitches.
Taken a taxi.
Had more than 5 online conversations going at once.
Had a hamster.
Dyed your hair.
Had something pierced.
Gotten straight A’s.
Been handcuffed.
My hair is naturally the color:
Light brown
Medium brown
Dark brown
Dirty blond
Strawberry blond
My eyes are:
Dark Brown
Light brown
People sometimes label me as:
Some of my biggest fears are:
Slimy things
Doctor/Dentist appointments
The dark
Small spaces
Oceans/large bodies of water
Large animals
Small animals 
Open spaces
Clustered holes
Bodily fluids
I have:
A friend with benefits
A laptop in my room
A television in my room
Good grades
My own car
Parents who are still married
A dog
A cat
A game console

Sunday, July 21, 2013

highschool, be nice

halooo. tanggal 13 juli kemaren gue udah mulai masuk sma loh, yay! (or nay?) semoga sma baik baik aja ya... dapet banyak temen deket, yang buruk buruk di smp gausah keulang plis:( btw udah peweeeeee banget sama kelas yang sekarang, X-4. tapii besok mau diacak lagii:( huhuhuhuh semoga gue dapet X IPS-1 ya O:)
sekarang gue mau ceritain tentang X-4 ajadeh. X-4 anaknya gila gila, kalo gaada guru yang masuk pasti foto foto WKWK. kemaren aja pas lagi psikotest kita malah foto foto..... kemaren aja pas lagi psikotest kita malah foto foto....:"") 

Monday, June 10, 2013


HAAIIII!! kemaren gue abis di wisuda looh di klub kelapa gading......... jadi status gue sekarang adalah alumni labschool yang belom mendapatkan sma. bukan, status gue bukan jomblo kok hehe tenang aja. tanggal 9 juni 2013 itu acara terakhir LZDG yaangg gabakal gue lupain, one of 1000000000000000000001 memories with LZDG. sekolah mana lagi sih yang pas gurunya lagi perform di panggung, nyanyi firework terus panggungnya dibajak sama anak anak seangkatan?:') 


9bulan 10 hari<3
terus, tanggal 23 mei 2013 farewell LZDG. namanya Junior High School Never Ends. kita mulai jam 8 pagi sampe jam setengah 7 malem. ada RAN looh dan ada DJ yang ganteng tapi gue lupa namanya. kan RAN ngelempar kaos gitu yaa terus yang dapet dini cobaa ish that should be me:( btw gue perform looh gue mainin cups gitu kayak yang di pitch perfect keren gasiih

++my teachers video (click it): Perform Guru SMP Labschool Jakarta 2013

pokoknya sayang banget deh sama laforza degalavi. undescribable banget<3 thanks for the 3 years, thanks for the memories. kalo kata derzia graphic house sih... 'This is a moments, our memories.' ketawa nangis dimarahin berenang bareng bareng. udah ngerasain banyak manis pahit sama lzdg. makasih buat acara acaranya yang selalu sukses. makasih buat MG, 6ikan, gemblay, bexclafalent, dividacrazesto, 9bulan 10hari, pokoknya buat semua yang selama 3 tahun ini selalu ada di sisi gue kalo seneng ataupun sedih. kita masuk bareng bareng, keluar bareng bareng. sukses ya kalian di SMA nya, dapet SMA yang kalian mau:') i love you alll<3

10 Juli 2010-9 Juni 2013

credits to: Ajie, Tace, Ghitha

Saturday, April 27, 2013


haaii long time no write. btw ini udah 2013 looh happy new year!!!*telat* lot of things happen this year. kayak, misalnya januari gue abis yearbook photoshoot dan 15 februari abis last run bareng Laforza Degalavi. time flies so fast...... 3 tahun itu ternyata cepet banget loh.

9b yearbook photoshoot! semoga hasilnya bagus ya.....

daaan tahun ini gue 14 tahun looh!! iya, 14 tahun!!! 4 februari, semoga kita bisa ketemu tahun depan ya:')

kemaren gue abis un, un-nya sih rada rada gampang susah. ibaratnya kayak gue pdkt sama orang 3 tahun terus jadian 4 hari dan digantungin kurang lebih 2 bulan. doain aja ya semoga hasilnya memuaskan, nem gue diatas 38,50 dan diterima di SMAN 68 JAKARTA pada tahun ajaran 2013/2014 AMIIINN!!! semoga target angkatan tercapai, anak anak LZDG masuk di sma yang diinginkan dan SOAL IPA DIANULIR. woy un apaan tuh kaya gitu??? rasanya pengen bakar rumah yang bikin soalnya, terus nanti ada csi yang dateng nyelidikin gue. oke itu ngelantur tapi it makes no sense okay MASA SOAL UN KELUAR DARI SKL????

abis un, udah ga ada kegiatan apa apa lagi di sekolah. yaah, walaupun seneng libur, tapi tetep kangen temen temen juga. kangen 9b, kangen laforzadegalavi, kangen MG, kangen guru guru, kangen dia

bayangin, sebulan libur mau ngapain cobaa... kan gak setiap hari boleh jalan. kemaren aja abis jalan terus hari ini minta jalan lagi gaboleh. ohiya, kemaren gue NONTON IRON MAN 3 loh. gak kok, gak sendirian. sama temen. ini keren banget, gue gapernah nonton iron man pertama dan kedua, tiba tiba langsung nonton iron man 3 dan langsung ngerti. keren banget gak sih??

oke segitu dulu btw ini yang akan terjadi di kamar gue selama 1 bulan ke depan:

dan begitu masuk sekolah badan gue jadi kayak mereka: